What’s the roadmap on neuromorphic devices & applications research in China?

Qing Wan, Changjin Wan, Huaqiang Wu, Yuchao Yang, Xiaohe Huang, Peng Zhou, Lin Chen, Tian-Yu Wang, Yi Li, Kanhao Xue, Yuhui He, Xiangshui Miao, Xi Li, Chenchen Xie, Houpeng Chen, Z. T. Song, Hong Wang, Yue Hao, Junyao Zhang, Jia Huang, Zheng Yu Ren, Li Qiang Zhu, Jianyu Du, Chen Ge, Yang Liu, Guanglong Ding, Ye Zhou, Su-Ting Han, Guosheng Wang, Xiao Yu, Bing Chen, Zhufei Chu, Lunyao Wang, Yinshui Xia, Chen Mu, Feng Lin, Chixiao Chen, Bojun Cheng, Yannan Xing, Weitao Zeng, Hong Chen, Lei Yu, Giacomo Indiveri and Ning Qiao. 2022 roadmap on neuromorphic devices & applications research in China. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2634-4386/ac7a5a 

“The data throughput in the von Neumann architecture based computing system is limited by its separated processing and memory structure and the mismatching speed between the two units. As a result, it’s quite difficult to improve the energy efficiency in conventional computing system, especially for dealing with unstructured data. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence and robotics nowadays still behave poorly in autonomy, creativity and sociality, which has been considered as the unimaginable computational requirement for sensorimotor skills. These two plights have urged the imitation and replication of the biological systems in terms of computing, sensing, and even motoring. Hence, the so-called neuromorphic system has drawn world-wide attention in recent decade, which is aimed at addressing the aforementioned needs from the mimicking of neural system. The recent development on emerging memory devices, nanotechnologies, and materials science have provided an unprecedented opportunity for this aim. This roadmap profiles the potential trend in building neuromorphic systems from the view of Chinese scientists. The content of this roadmap will cover some core topics from multidisciplinary researchers including electronics, computer science, materials, physics, and so on. The perspectives and challenges are also discussed in partly, which may serve as the guidance for the pursuing of high energy-efficient and/or bio-realistic systems that can compute, sense, and act as our human beings. This will also give birth to some excited paradigm breakers and advanced technologies in a wide spectrum of areas.”

Qing Wan, Changjin Wan, Huaqiang Wu, Yuchao Yang, Xiaohe Huang, Peng Zhou, Lin Chen, Tian-Yu Wang, Yi Li, Kanhao Xue, Yuhui He, Xiangshui Miao, Xi Li, Chenchen Xie, Houpeng Chen, Z. T. Song, Hong Wang, Yue Hao, Junyao Zhang, Jia Huang, Zheng Yu Ren, Li Qiang Zhu, Jianyu Du, Chen Ge, Yang Liu, Guanglong Ding, Ye Zhou, Su-Ting Han, Guosheng Wang, Xiao Yu, Bing Chen, Zhufei Chu, Lunyao Wang, Yinshui Xia, Chen Mu, Feng Lin, Chixiao Chen, Bojun Cheng, Yannan Xing, Weitao Zeng, Hong Chen, Lei Yu, Giacomo Indiveri and Ning Qiao. 2022 roadmap on neuromorphic devices & applications research in China. Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2634-4386/ac7a5a 

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